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Admin portal

GISNav includes a captive (self-hosted) admin portal that can be accessed via a web browser. Some of the functionality available via the portal includes but is not limited to:

  • Editing configuration files and managing maps via FileGator fileserver
  • Monitoring system status via Glances
  • Viewing uploaded maps via OpenLayers
  • Monitoring health of Docker Compose services
  • Downloading more maps using links to external imagery

Serve admin portal

The admin portal is automatically served when starting gisnav using GISNav CLI:

gnc create --build gisnav
gnc start gisnav

You can also only start the admin tools by starting nginx which gisnav depends on:

gnc create --build nginx
gnc start nginx

Access admin portal

You can access the admin portal at port 80 on the host machine such as localhost, or e.g. raspberrypi.local if using a separate companion computer on a local network. Use the below example commands to open the admin portal with your default web browser.

SSL/TLS not yet supported

SSL/TLS i.e. HTTPS over port 443 is not yet supported.

Edit hostname

Edit the hostname to match your companion computer hostname if not running on localhost.

These examples assume your network stack supports mDNS i.e. can resolve the .local top-level domain. This is likely if you are running Ubuntu and connecting to your companion computer directly via Ethernet cable.

xdg-open http://localhost
xdg-open http://jetsonnano.local
# not verified to work - 4GB memory may be too little on RPi
xdg-open http://raspberrypi.local

Released under the MIT License.