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On this page you will find tips for solving some common problems with the software.

X window or display or GUI not appearing

This might be accompanied by error messages such as the ones below:

px4-1  | [Err] [] Can't open display: :1
px4-1  | [Wrn] [] Unable to create X window. Rendering will be disabled
px4-1  | [Wrn] [] Cannot initialize render engine since render path type is NONE. Ignore this warning if rendering has been turned off on purpose.
px4-1  | Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified
px4-1  | [Wrn] [] could not connect to display :1
px4-1  | [Msg] Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
px4-1  | [Err] [] This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Expose X server

If the Gazebo, QGroundControl or RViz windows do not appear on your screen soon after deploying your Docker Compose services, you may need to expose your X server to your containers.

gisnav required in container names

The scripts here look for containers that have the string gisnav in their names. It is important that you use the -p gisnav option or COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=gisnav environment variable when building and creating your containers.

This method is more secure as it only exposes the X server to containers with names containing "gisnav":

for containerId in $(docker ps -f name=gisnav -aq); do
    xhost +local:$(docker inspect --format='{{ .Config.Hostname }}' $containerId)

A recipe to expose the X server is also included in the Makefile expose-xhost target:

cd ~/colcon_ws/src/gisnav/docker
make expose-xhost

This method is easier but less secure as it exposes the X server to any client:

xhost +

Simulation is slow

Headless mode

When developing on a lower performance system or when doing automated testing (e.g., with MAVSDK), you may want to create the simulation cotnainer in headless mode to increase performance:

SIM_HEADLESS=1 gnc create px4

GPU drivers not available

Your system might not be using the GPU. Check that CUDA is available:

hmakelin@hmakelin-MS-7D48:~/colcon_ws/src/gisnav$ python3
Python 3.10.12 (main, Nov 20 2023, 15:14:05) [GCC 11.4.0] on linux
>>> import torch
>>> torch.cuda.is_available()

Sometimes this command will not return True and possibly raises an error. Try updating your drivers and/or restarting your computer.

GPU temperature

Check your GPU temperature to ensure it's not overheating and therefore being throttled. Overheating might be a more common problem on laptops with less efficient heat discharge.

Keypoint match visualization not appearing

Here we assume the SITL or HIL simulation is working but GISNav itself does not appear to be working since the keypoint match visualization does not appear.

Disable SharedMemory for Fast DDS

If you are not able to establish ROS communication between the mavros container and the host, or receive the above error when using the --network host option, try disabling SharedMemory for Fast DDS on your host. You can do so by creating an XML configuration and restarting the ROS daemon with the new configuration. You can do so by creating an XML configuration (e.g., disable_shared_memory.xml) as described in this comment or discussion here and restarting the ROS daemon with the new configuration:

export FASTRTPS_DEFAULT_PROFILES_FILE=disable_shared_memory.xml
ros2 daemon stop
ros2 daemon start

ArduPilot simulation not working


Currently, ArduPilot support is broken, and the simulation is not expected to work. Use PX4 instead.

Disable AppArmor

Security implications

Consider the security implications to your system before trying this out.

Possibly needed if using --network host: If QGroundControl or Gazebo do not seem to be starting when running the containers, you may need to run them image with --security-opt apparmor:unconfined or --privileged options.

Simulator is not receiving NMEA messages

During SITL simulation, the simulator might not receive the NMEA messages via the virtual serial port (pseudo-tty). The examples here assume you are using the px4 service for simulation.

Check TCP port

hmakelin@hmakelin-MS-7D48:~/colcon_ws/src/gisnav/docker$ docker compose -p gisnav exec -it px4 bash
root@669b94309b51:/PX4-Autopilot# tcpdump port 15000 and '(tcp-syn|tcp-ack)!=0'

Check serial port

hmakelin@hmakelin-MS-7D48:~/colcon_ws/src/gisnav/docker$ docker compose -p gisnav exec -it px4 bash
root@669b94309b51:/PX4-Autopilot# cat /dev/ttyS4

Issues reinstalling gisnav

Try removing any previous installation and cleaning apt cache before reinstalling:

sudo apt-get remove gisnav
sudo apt-get clean

Cannot upload firmware via Docker containers

Serial port not available

You can upload firmware to your Pixhawk board connected via USB from the qgc and px4 service containers.

Ensure you are running the services using the gnc hil command.

Check that the /dev/ttyACM0 device is available:

gnc hil run qgc bash
# inside qgc or px4 container
ls -l /dev/ttyACM0

Ensure that the user is in the dialout group which should have permission to access the USB device:

# inside qgc or px4 container
groups $(whoami) | grep dialout

Check that your bootloader is matched by the upload make target

Check that your board bootloader is found here and take note of the name:

gnc exec px4 bash
ls /dev/serial/by-id

Check that the pattern is matched by the PX4 upload.cmake target:

cat PX4-Autopilot/platforms/nuttx/cmake/upload.cmake | grep -20 APPEND serial_ports

Cannot build mavros or X on Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi freezes

CPU overheating

The CPU might be overheating. You can get a case for your Pi that has a fan to improve heat dissipation.

Power supply

Ensure you have a sufficient power supply for your Raspberry Pi.

Out of memory

4GB of memory may not be enough to build mavros. You can try adding another 4 GB using a swapfile:

sudo fallocate -l 4G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

Monitor your swapfile usage:

watch swapon --show

Monitor your memory usage:

watch free -m

Delete the swapfile after building (optional):

sudo swapoff /swapfile
sudo rm /swapfile

General debugging

Run shell inside container

If you need to do debugging on your Docker Compose images with GUI applications (e.g., Gazebo inside the px4 service), run bash inside your service container using the following command:

cd ~/colcon_ws/src/gisnav/docker
docker compose -p gisnav run px4 bash

If the container is already running, you must use exec instead:

cd ~/colcon_ws/src/gisnav/docker
docker compose -p gisnav exec px4 bash

docker vs docker compose

You will probably want to use docker compose here instead of docker for the GUI applications to work properly, but docker will also work for basic debugging that does not require launching GUI apps.

Environment variable changes not picked up by containers

Docker Compose configures the container when it is created, not when it is started.

Check your container configuration with docker inspect <container-name>. If it does not match your expected configuration, try recreating the container with MY_ENV_VAR=my_value gnc create.

Released under the MIT License.