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Helper functions for ROS messaging


BBox(left, bottom, right, top)Create new instance of BBox(left, bottom, right, top)


add_transform_stamped(transform1, transform2)
affine_to_proj(M)Returns a PROJ string describing a CRS that is defined by converting the image pixel coordinates (x, y) to WGS 84 coordinates (lon, lat) using the provided affine transformation.
angle_off_nadir(quaternion)Angle off nadir in radians
as_np_quaternion(q)Converts ROS geometric_msg.msg.Quaternion to (x, y, z, w) format numpy array quaternion
as_ros_quaternion(q)Converts (x, y, z, w) format numpy array quaternion to ROS geometric_msg.msg.Quaternion
bounding_box_to_bbox(msg)Converts geographic_msgs.msg.BoundingBox to BBox
create_identity_pose_stamped(x, y, z)
create_pose_msg(stamp, frame_id, r, t)
create_transform_msg(stamp, parent_frame, ...)
ecef_to_wgs84(x, y, z)Convert ECEF (Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed) coordinates to WGS 84 geodetic coordinates.
enu_to_ecef_matrix(lon, lat)Generate the rotation matrix for converting ENU coordinates at a given longitude (lon) and latitude (lat) to ECEF coordinates.
extract_roll(q)Calculate the roll angle from a quaternion
extract_yaw(q)Calculate the yaw angle from a quaternion in the ENU frame.
get_transform(node, target_frame, ...)
lookup_transform(buffer, target_frame, ...)Returns transform from source to target frame, or None if not available
matrices_to_homogenous(r, t)3D pose in homogenous form for convenience
pose_to_transform(pose_stamped_msg, ...)
poses_to_twist(pose2, pose1)pose2 is newer pose with covariances, pose1 is older pose (identity pose in VO)
proj_to_affine(proj_str)Returns the affine transformation matrix M that corresponds to the provided PROJ string.
usec_from_header(header)Returns timestamp in microseconds from std_msgs.msg.Header stamp
wgs84_to_ecef(lon, lat, alt)Convert WGS 84 geodetic coordinates to ECEF (Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed) coordinates.

class gisnav._transformations.BBox(left, bottom, right, top)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of BBox(left, bottom, right, top)


bottomAlias for field number 1
leftAlias for field number 0
rightAlias for field number 2
topAlias for field number 3


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 3

gisnav._transformations.add_transform_stamped(transform1: TransformStamped | PoseStamped, transform2: TransformStamped)

gisnav._transformations.affine_to_proj(M: ndarray)

Returns a PROJ string describing a CRS that is defined by converting the image pixel coordinates (x, y) to WGS 84 coordinates (lon, lat) using the provided affine transformation.

  • Returns: PROJ string representing the affine transformation


Angle off nadir in radians

gisnav._transformations.as_np_quaternion(q: Quaternion)

Converts ROS geometric_msg.msg.Quaternion to (x, y, z, w) format numpy array quaternion

  • Parameters:q – ROS quaternion message
  • Returns: NumPy array quaternion in (x, y, z, w) format

gisnav._transformations.as_ros_quaternion(q: ndarray)

Converts (x, y, z, w) format numpy array quaternion to ROS geometric_msg.msg.Quaternion

  • Parameters:q – NumPy array quaternion of shape in (x, y, z, w) format
  • Returns: ROS quaternion message

gisnav._transformations.bounding_box_to_bbox(msg: BoundingBox)

Converts geographic_msgs.msg.BoundingBox to BBox

gisnav._transformations.create_identity_pose_stamped(x, y, z)

gisnav._transformations.ecef_to_wgs84(x: float, y: float, z: float)

Convert ECEF (Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed) coordinates to WGS 84 geodetic coordinates.

  • Parameters:
    • x – ECEF x-coordinate in meters.
    • y – ECEF y-coordinate in meters.
    • z – ECEF z-coordinate in meters.
  • Returns: A tuple (lon, lat, alt) representing longitude, latitude, and altitude in the WGS84 coordinate system.

Uses the Proj4 library to transform from Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) in the ECEF system (earth frame in REP 105) to geographic (latitude, longitude, altitude) coordinates.

gisnav._transformations.enu_to_ecef_matrix(lon: float, lat: float)

Generate the rotation matrix for converting ENU coordinates at a given longitude (lon) and latitude (lat) to ECEF coordinates.

  • Parameters:
    • lon – Longitude in decimal degrees.
    • lat – Latitude in decimal degrees.
  • Returns: Rotation matrix (3x3) for the transformation.

gisnav._transformations.extract_roll(q: Quaternion)

Calculate the roll angle from a quaternion

  • Parameters:q – A quaternion represented as a Quaternion object in (x, y, z, w) format
  • Returns: The roll angle in degrees

gisnav._transformations.extract_yaw(q: Quaternion)

Calculate the yaw angle from a quaternion in the ENU frame.

Returns yaw with origin centered at North (i.e. applies a 90 degree adjustment).

  • Parameters:q – A list containing the quaternion [qx, qy, qz, qw].
  • Returns: The yaw angle in degrees.

Returns transform from source to target frame, or None if not available

gisnav._transformations.matrices_to_homogenous(r, t)

3D pose in homogenous form for convenience

gisnav._transformations.poses_to_twist(pose2: PoseWithCovarianceStamped, pose1: PoseStamped)

pose2 is newer pose with covariances, pose1 is older pose (identity pose in VO)

gisnav._transformations.proj_to_affine(proj_str: str)

Returns the affine transformation matrix M that corresponds to the provided PROJ string. The PROJ string should be in the format used by the affine_to_proj function.

  • Parameters:proj_str – PROJ string representing an affine transformation
  • Returns: 3x3 affine transformation matrix M

gisnav._transformations.transform_to_pose(transform_stamped_msg: TransformStamped)

gisnav._transformations.usec_from_header(header: Header)

Returns timestamp in microseconds from std_msgs.msg.Header stamp

gisnav._transformations.wgs84_to_ecef(lon: float, lat: float, alt: float)

Convert WGS 84 geodetic coordinates to ECEF (Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed) coordinates.

  • Parameters:
    • lon – Longitude in decimal degrees.
    • lat – Latitude in decimal degrees.
    • alt – Altitude above the WGS84 ellipsoid in meters.
  • Returns: A tuple (x, y, z) representing ECEF coordinates in meters.

Uses the Proj4 library to transform from geographic (latitude, longitude, altitude) coordinates to Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) in the ECEF system (earth frame in REP 105).

GISNav v0.68.1-2-gf2c72641

Released under the MIT License.