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Launch tests

This module contains launch test case implementations


TestTopographyCase(*args, **kwargs)Tests that all nodes initialize with the correct ROS topic subscriptions

class test.launch.testcases.TestTopographyCase(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: TestCase

Tests that all nodes initialize with the correct ROS topic subscriptions

Initializer override for declaring attributes used in the test case


EXPECTED_NAMESPACESExpected namespaces of EXPECTED_NODES in corresponding order
EXPECTED_NODESNames of nodes that should be found when running the launch configuration
EXPECTED_TOPICSNames of topics that should be found when running the launch configuration
EXPECTED_TYPESTypes of EXPECTED_TOPICS in corresponding order


setUp()Creates a ROS node for testing
setUpClass()Initialize ROS context
tearDown()Destroys the ROS node
tearDownClass()Shutdown ROS context
test_node_names_and_namespaces()Tests that nodes are running with the correct name and namespace.
test_topic_names_and_types()Tests that nodes subscribe to and publish the expected ROS topics

EXPECTED_NAMESPACES = ('/gisnav', '/gisnav', '/gisnav', '/gisnav', '/gisnav', '/')

Expected namespaces of EXPECTED_NODES in corresponding order

EXPECTED_NODES = ('gis_node', 'stereo_node', 'bbox_node', 'pose_node', 'uorb_node', 'test_node')

Names of nodes that should be found when running the launch configuration

test_node is created by the test case.

EXPECTED_TOPICS = ('/camera/camera_info', '/camera/image_raw', '/fmu/in/sensor_gps', '/gisnav/bbox_node/fov/bounding_box', '/gisnav/gis_node/orthoimage', '/gisnav/stereo_node/pose_image', '/gisnav/pose_node/pose', '/mavros/gimbal_control/device/attitude_status', '/mavros/global_position/global', '/mavros/local_position/pose', '/rosout', '/tf', '/tf_static')

Names of topics that should be found when running the launch configuration

EXPECTED_TYPES = ('sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo', 'sensor_msgs/msg/Image', 'px4_msgs/msg/SensorGps', 'geographic_msgs/msg/BoundingBox', 'gisnav_msgs/msg/OrthoImage', 'gisnav_msgs/msg/OrthoStereoImage', 'geometry_msgs/msg/PoseWithCovarianceStamped', 'mavros_msgs/msg/GimbalDeviceAttitudeStatus', 'sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix', 'geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped', 'rcl_interfaces/msg/Log', 'tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage', 'tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage')

Types of EXPECTED_TOPICS in corresponding order


Creates a ROS node for testing

classmethod setUpClass()

Initialize ROS context


Destroys the ROS node

classmethod tearDownClass()

Shutdown ROS context


Tests that nodes are running with the correct name and namespace.

This test allows for more nodes than expected to be running without failing.


Tests that nodes subscribe to and publish the expected ROS topics

This test allows for more nodes than expected to be running without failing.

GISNav v0.68.1-2-gf2c72641

Released under the MIT License.