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This module contains the static configuration of the ROS namespace and node and topic names

Using this module, nodes that talk to each other can refer to a single source of truth.

Circular imports

This module should not import anything from the gisnav package namespace to prevent circular imports.


BBOX_NODE_NAMEName of BBoxNode spun up by run_bbox_node()
DELAY_DEFAULT_MSMax acceptable delay for things like global position
GIS_NODE_NAMEName of GISNode spun up by run_gis_node()
NMEA_NODE_NAMEName of NMEANode spun up by run_nmea_node()
POSE_NODE_NAMEName of PoseNode spun up by run_pose_node().
ROS_NAMESPACENamespace for all GISNav ROS nodes
ROS_TOPIC_CAMERA_INFOName of ROS topic for sensor_msgs.msg.CameraInfo messages
ROS_TOPIC_IMAGEName of ROS topic for sensor_msgs.msg.Image messages
ROS_TOPIC_MAVROS_GIMBAL_DEVICE_ATTITUDE_STATUSMAVROS topic for vehicle GimbalDeviceAttitudeStatus message (MAVLink Gimbal protocol v2)
ROS_TOPIC_MAVROS_LOCAL_POSITIONMAVROS topic for vehicle PoseStamped in EKF local frame
ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_FOV_BOUNDING_BOXRelative topic into which BBoxNode publishes BBoxNode.fov_bounding_box.
ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_MATCHES_IMAGERelative topic into which PoseNode publishes the keypoint match image.
ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_NAV_PVTTopic into which UBXNode publishes UBXNode.nav_pvt.
ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_NMEA_SENTENCETopic into which NMEANode publishes all sentences.
ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_ORTHOIMAGERelative topic into which GISNode publishes GISNode.orthoimage.
ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_POSERelative topic into which PoseNode publishes PoseNode.pose.
ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_POSE_IMAGERelative topic into which StereoNode publishes StereoNode.pose_image.
ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_POSITION_IMAGERelative topic into which PoseNode publishes the camera position image.
ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_QUERY_KEYPOINTSRelative topic into which TwistNode publishes the query image keypoints.
ROS_TOPIC_ROBOT_LOCALIZATION_ODOMETRYTopic for filtered odometry from the robot_localization package EKF node
ROS_TOPIC_SENSOR_GPSTopic into which UORBNode publishes UORBNode.sensor_gps.
STEREO_NODE_NAMEName of StereoNode spun up by run_stereo_node()
TWIST_NODE_NAMEName of TwistNode spun up by run_twist_node().
UBX_NODE_NAMEName of UBXNode spun up by run_ubx_node()
UORB_NODE_NAMEName of UORBNode spun up by run_uorb_node()
WFST_NODE_NAMEName of WFSTNode spun up by run_wfst_node()

gisnav.constants.BBOX_NODE_NAME : Final = 'bbox_node'

Name of BBoxNode spun up by run_bbox_node()

gisnav.constants.DELAY_DEFAULT_MS : Final = 2000

Max acceptable delay for things like global position

gisnav.constants.FrameID(*args, **kwargs)

Allowed ROS message header frame_id as specified in REP 103 and REP 105. The odom frame is not used by GISNav but may be published e.g. by MAVROS.

  • query_image units are pixels not meters.

alias of Literal[‘base_link’, ‘camera’, ‘camera_optical’, ‘base_link_stabilized’, ‘camera_frd’, ‘map’, ‘odom’, ‘earth’, ‘gisnav_map’, ‘gisnav_odom’, ‘gisnav_camera_link_optical’, ‘gisnav_base_link’, ‘query_image’]

gisnav.constants.GIS_NODE_NAME : Final = 'gis_node'

Name of GISNode spun up by run_gis_node()

gisnav.constants.NMEA_NODE_NAME : Final = 'nmea_node'

Name of NMEANode spun up by run_nmea_node()

gisnav.constants.POSE_NODE_NAME : Final = 'pose_node'

Name of PoseNode spun up by run_pose_node().

gisnav.constants.ROS_NAMESPACE : Final = 'gisnav'

Namespace for all GISNav ROS nodes

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_CAMERA_INFO : Final = '/camera/camera_info'

Name of ROS topic for sensor_msgs.msg.CameraInfo messages

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_IMAGE : Final = '/camera/image_raw'

Name of ROS topic for sensor_msgs.msg.Image messages

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_MAVROS_GIMBAL_DEVICE_ATTITUDE_STATUS = '/mavros/gimbal_control/device/attitude_status'

MAVROS topic for vehicle GimbalDeviceAttitudeStatus message (MAVLink Gimbal protocol v2)

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_MAVROS_GLOBAL_POSITION = '/mavros/global_position/global'

MAVROS topic for vehicle NavSatFix

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_MAVROS_LOCAL_POSITION = '/mavros/local_position/pose'

MAVROS topic for vehicle PoseStamped in EKF local frame

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_FOV_BOUNDING_BOX : Final = '~/fov/bounding_box'

Relative topic into which BBoxNode publishes BBoxNode.fov_bounding_box.

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_MATCHES_IMAGE = '~/dev/matches_image'

Relative topic into which PoseNode publishes the keypoint match image.

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_NAV_PVT : Final = '~/navpvt'

Topic into which UBXNode publishes UBXNode.nav_pvt.

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_NMEA_SENTENCE : Final = '~/sentence'

Topic into which NMEANode publishes all sentences.

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_ORTHOIMAGE : Final = '~/orthoimage'

Relative topic into which GISNode publishes GISNode.orthoimage.

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_POSE : Final = '~/pose'

Relative topic into which PoseNode publishes PoseNode.pose.

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_POSE_IMAGE : Final = '~/pose_image'

Relative topic into which StereoNode publishes StereoNode.pose_image.

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_POSITION_IMAGE = '~/dev/position_image'

Relative topic into which PoseNode publishes the camera position image.

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_RELATIVE_QUERY_KEYPOINTS = '~/keypoints'

Relative topic into which TwistNode publishes the query image keypoints.

SIFT keypoints are used because they are widely supported and rotation invariant.

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_ROBOT_LOCALIZATION_ODOMETRY = '/robot_localization/odometry/filtered'

Topic for filtered odometry from the robot_localization package EKF node

gisnav.constants.ROS_TOPIC_SENSOR_GPS : Final = '/fmu/in/sensor_gps'

Topic into which UORBNode publishes UORBNode.sensor_gps.

gisnav.constants.STEREO_NODE_NAME : Final = 'stereo_node'

Name of StereoNode spun up by run_stereo_node()

gisnav.constants.TWIST_NODE_NAME : Final = 'twist_node'

Name of TwistNode spun up by run_twist_node().

gisnav.constants.UBX_NODE_NAME : Final = 'ubx_node'

Name of UBXNode spun up by run_ubx_node()

gisnav.constants.UORB_NODE_NAME : Final = 'uorb_node'

Name of UORBNode spun up by run_uorb_node()

gisnav.constants.WFST_NODE_NAME : Final = 'wfst_node'

Name of WFSTNode spun up by run_wfst_node()

GISNav v0.68.1-2-gf2c72641

Released under the MIT License.